老老少少用英语怎么说 老老少少英语翻译

老老少少在英语中的翻译是"  jung und alt Jung und Alt",还网络中常译为"  young and old",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到74个与老老少少相关的释义和例句。

老老少少用英语怎么说 老老少少英语翻译

老老少少在英语中的翻译是"  jung und alt Jung und Alt",还网络中常译为"  young and old",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到74个与老老少少相关的释义和例句。

1.   jung und alt Jung und Alt

老老少少翻译为   jung und alt Jung und Alt。

Most of the Japanese, and old alike, enjoy eating sashimi.

1. Engorged with the whispered prayers of kneeling mothers, mewling newborns, and fools, young and old, compelled to do good without reason.

译文:到处都塞满了 那些呢喃的祷告者 那些虔诚跪拜的母亲 呀呀啼哭的初生儿 还有,老老少少 毫无理由的被强迫着去做好事。

2. Kill men, women and children.

3. Looks like you could use a little assistance.

4. Both young and old, men, women and even children.

5. Enchanting both young and old.

6. Men, women, and children have to be examined.

7. - At least that's one less hun.

8. And every man, woman and child ... will give up their lives ... before they give it up to us.

9. is more cantonal age tiny to all curiously stand on the wayside, looking at a that baton grand troops, hand over a head to join an ear every additional.


10. A whole rash of heart attacks. Young guys. Old guys.

11. You've got nothing to lose even if she did it

12. i remember being struck by the way young and old would gather in village squares of an evening to talk, drink and play boules.


13. They are asking all men and women to evacuate Nanking.

14. i could show a little mercy.

15. it's on the level this time.




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