和平统一用英语怎么说 和平统一英语翻译

和平统一用英语说"  peaceful reunification",还经常被译作reunify peacefully,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到97个与和平统一相关的短语释义和例句。

和平统一用英语怎么说 和平统一英语翻译

和平统一用英语说"  peaceful reunification",还经常被译作reunify peacefully,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到97个与和平统一相关的短语释义和例句。


5. The unity of the Church is threatened by heresies

6. - That's FF62.50. You pay the same thing for it as everybody.

7. "to keep the people unified. "

8. Unified to do homework right.

9. They All have the same license plate:

10. To ensure peace and unity in the province i will be pleased to accept this marriage!

11. Think of German unification, 1990.

12. Alencar reaffirmed Brazil's resolute support of the one-China principle and support of China's early peaceful reunification.


13. One Khanate, one Khan. One China, one Emperor.

14. Practice consensus building.

15. - No. i want to keep them all together.


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