愚昧用英语怎么说 愚昧的英语翻译

愚昧的英语是"  muddled",还可以翻译为ignorance,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到45个与愚昧相关的翻译和例句。

愚昧用英语怎么说 愚昧的英语翻译

愚昧的英语是"  muddled",还可以翻译为ignorance,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到45个与愚昧相关的翻译和例句。

unenlightened ignorant benighted ( 愚昧无知的 )

fatuous complacently stupid or inane ( 愚昧而不自知的 )

1. But anger makes you stupid.

2. i want you to forgive my stupidity.

3. They're backward and foolish.

4. What i want is a tale Of sound and fury

5. ♪ Dear lord and father of mankind ♪ ♪ Forgive our foolish ways ♪

6. Today our military is really foolish.

7. You're the most ignorant person i've ever met!

8. To come in carelessly is like a moth to a flame.

9. Listen to me, you ignorant ape,

10. A pit of nonsense and outright lies."

11. Monuments to the stupidity of man.

12. Yeah. ignorance and bigotry.

13. They are benighted because of their stupidity.

14. Worth: the boundless human stupidity.

15. Foolishness is tered aimlessly.




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