海绵动物用英语怎么说 海绵动物英语翻译

海绵动物用英语说"  Spongia",在日常中也可以翻译为"spongia",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到31个与海绵动物相关的译文和例句。

海绵动物用英语怎么说 海绵动物英语翻译

海绵动物用英语说"  Spongia",在日常中也可以翻译为"spongia",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到31个与海绵动物相关的译文和例句。

Spongia Porifera Phylum Polifera Phylum Spongia ( 海绵动物门 )

FSE feline spongiform encephalopathy ( 猫科动物海绵状脑病 )

1. Sponges, corals and brachiopods, however, cannot do this.

2. it's genius. He's a sponge,but he talks!

3. You forget, i was there at an undersea, unexplained mass sponge migration.

4. SpongeBob, me boy, you've come just in time.

5. With soap, yes. And the sponge.

6. Sponges, corals and brachiopods (a once-widespread group that look a bit like bivalve molluscs) were particularly badly hit.


7. i must take some of these with me.

8. - Yes, you are the ass sponge, ass sponge.

9. And 90 percent of our catch were sponges, other animals that are fixed on the bottom.

10. When we approach this spongy marsh, we see carnivorous sponges at work.

11. This yellow crust is a sponge, in thephylum Porifera.

12. Sponges look like veins across the faces.

13. These are the microscopic larvae of barnacles, sponges, and, most importantly, corals.

14. Come on, SpongeBob, come on!

15. Experimental study of human tissue kallikrein on the relaxation of isolated animal corpus cavernosum smooth muscles in vitro




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