放烟火用英语怎么说 放烟火的英语翻译

放烟火的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为  fire off fireworks,其次还可以说成"have displays of fireworks",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到29个与放烟火相关的短语释义和例句。

放烟火用英语怎么说 放烟火的英语翻译

放烟火的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为  fire off fireworks,其次还可以说成"have displays of fireworks",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到29个与放烟火相关的短语释义和例句。

1. set off fireworks( 放焰火;放烟火;放鞭)

2. purotechnist(烟火制造人, 善于施放烟火者)

4. fireworks extraanza( 放烟花;烟花饕餮七巧板;烟火汇演)

th of July Freors Celebraton ( 国庆烟火施放 )

1. = When you play fireworks on the River Chuncheonsoyang, you suddenly disappeared. =

2. Gisela: Oh, that's the New Year fireworks. i should have told you. We always have fireworks at New Year in Germany.


3. The past and the future come together at midnight. Not surprisingly, emotions are as much a part of New Year's Eve as noisemakers and fireworks.


4. They'll have fireworks there.

5. At home, the Fourth of July means fireworks, barbeques, family and friends.


6. i also wanna light fireworks.

7. Have you any squibs, any green man in your shows?

8. When do the fireworks start?

9. The theft of Santa's bones is still celebrated in Bari with an annual parade and fireworks.


10. Fireworks bar with four people

11. There is usually a public holiday for the event with lots of barbecues, celebrations of every kind and fireworks.


12. The fireworks are from Drift island!

13. No fireworks, General Brady.

14. someone will take my ashes and turn them into fireworks.

15. At home, the Fourth of July means fireworks, barbeques, family and friends.





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