优惠卡用英语怎么说 优惠卡的英语翻译

优惠卡的英语是"  Discount card",其次还可以说成"  coupon card",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到30个与优惠卡相关的短语翻译和用法。

优惠卡用英语怎么说 优惠卡的英语翻译

优惠卡的英语是"  Discount card",其次还可以说成"  coupon card",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到30个与优惠卡相关的短语翻译和用法。

Pensioner Concession Card ( 福利金领者优惠卡 )

Swiss Family Card ( 瑞士家庭优惠卡 )

Changi Rewards Card ( 或樟宜优惠卡 )

1. - No senior citizen discount?

2. how about an early-bird special?

3. Bein' that it's cash, i'm gonna give you ten percent off.

4. Follow me, special privileges for you.

5. Discount-- Discount coupons.

6. Many will be travelling cheaply thanks to the carte famille nombreuse, a discount card for families with three or more children.


7. Yes, i have a card for it here somewhere. Hold on.

8. We have an amazing deal for you today.

9. But hurry, this offer cannot last.

10. i will give you a discount.

11. Coupons. Coupons. Free coupons.

12. Will be a discount price for soldiers.

13. Well, of course. Of course you get your store discount.

14. Yes, this is our discount card, let me explain how it works

15. The winners get the job or a good credit card offer.


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