国无宁日用英语怎么说 国无宁日英语翻译

国无宁日的英语可以这样说:There is no peace in the country.,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到25个与国无宁日相关的短语释义和例句。

国无宁日用英语怎么说 国无宁日英语翻译

国无宁日的英语可以这样说:There is no peace in the country.,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到25个与国无宁日相关的短语释义和例句。

1. There is no peace in the country.

国无宁日翻译为There is no peace in the country.。

示例:- No. - Yes, Georgia the country. Georgia the country.

2. Week in, week out. Month after month after month.

3. i'm off to the mountains for a week, all alone, for some peace and quiet.

译文:我将去山中一周, 自已一个人,享受一些平静与安宁日。

4. The world will surely be in turmoil

5. Because we'll never be safe until the Lannisters are defeated.

6. You know what they say, no rest for the wicked.

7. Or see your own children gamble or smoke opium knowing the damage they do to the family?

译文:谁愿意自己的子女沉迷抽烟 弄得家无宁日 甚至家破人亡。

8. and will never give us peace.

9. The world will be in turmoil

10. Will you please allow me to live a peaceful life, ok?

11. There shall be no peace, as long as Kirk lives.

12. it seems that all the arguing and fighting... and violence was far too much for Sydney Barringer... and knowing his mother and father's tendency to fight... he decided to do something.

译文:家中的和暴力 白悉尼似乎再也忍受不了 既知道永无宁日。

13. it won't stop until we make it stop.

14. i will haunt his crusty ass forever until the day he sticks a gun up his mouth and pulls the trigger just to get me out of his head.

译文:我会让他永无宁日 直到他吞枪 只有爆头才能驱散我的鬼影。

15. if he marries india Beauty her whole family must be in deep trouble




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