悲惨命运用英语怎么说 悲惨命运英语翻译


悲惨命运用英语怎么说 悲惨命运英语翻译


2. He should have a miserable death.

3. Perhaps i should entreat the gods to shield me from such dour fate...

4. You know, tragic destiny. i don't know what it is.

5. Yes, sir, it's miserable. Perfectly miserable.

6. For now i am bent to know, by the worst means, the worst.

译文:因为我现在非得从最妖邪的恶魔口中 知道我的最悲惨的命运不可。

7. And the sooner you accept the dull, miserable reality of your existence, the happier you'll be.

译文:赛尔,我们的命运就是无聊悲惨的 你越早接受这一点你就会越快乐。

8. There are plenty of fates worse than yours.

译文:命运比你悲惨的人多得去了 {\3cH202020}There are plenty of fates worse than yours.。

9. And your fate would be different.

10. And fate fate is a beautiful thing,

11. We'd be miserable! You love me... and that's miserable.

12. To be haunted by your mistakes, Nico... ..that's a fate far worse than death.

译文:被自己过错阴魂不散得萦绕 尼科... 是比死亡更悲惨的命运。

13. The ill-fated came out on the streets

14. it's your destiny, Destiny.

15. Fate... i don't believe in it.




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