随着时间的流逝用英语怎么说 随着时间的流逝英语翻译

随着时间的流逝的英语是"with time",还经常被译作time lapse photography,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到97个与随着时间的流逝相关的翻译和例句。

随着时间的流逝用英语怎么说 随着时间的流逝英语翻译

随着时间的流逝的英语是"with time",还经常被译作time lapse photography,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到97个与随着时间的流逝相关的翻译和例句。

3. Then over time, your bond becomes symbiotic, like yin and yang. Over time, you become soulmates.


4. "in the flow of time," he argued,

5. The problem is with every passing year, you close more doors.

6. With every second that ticks by

译文:随着时间的流逝 with every second that ticks by - 我们越来越接近...。

7. And as time passed, i won her heart.

8. And over time, i've become something else: an eclipse evangelist.

9. i had thought... i had hoped that with the passage of time sanity would have returned, people would be willing to forget the... little mistakes of the past.

10. As one grows older, the days, weeks, months go by more quickly.

11. As the hours passed, it seemed that only a miracle could get Overlord going.

12. But, as time p, you start noticing the similarities.

13. But i was missing my family.

14. One big clue we have is that the universe is changing with time.

15. With time... those who listened to me became my readers.


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