三字一话用英语怎么说 三字一话英语翻译

三字一话的英语为"trigram",其次还可以说成"intermediate point",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到52个与三字一话相关的短语释义和例句。

三字一话用英语怎么说 三字一话英语翻译

三字一话的英语为"trigram",其次还可以说成"intermediate point",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到52个与三字一话相关的短语释义和例句。

2. i truly find the nickname worse than profanity.

3. Shortly after we published, i got a three-word text from Johannes: "Wintris has arrived."

译文:发布报道后不久,我收到了 约翰内斯发来的三字短信, “Wintris已至。”。

4. Three words'? You think it was easy to teach you three words'?

5. Language is something to be meted out in small phonemes, you know -- just little hmm, hmm-hmm.

6. even the word " dakar " , if bruited carelessly , might be a blind.


7. i keep hearing in my mind over and over again are...

8. Jet Black will sing it up full of soul.

9. Then what would "JUN" have been in kana? !

10. How exactly do you know this Sam character, anyway?

11. 3, they're all 3 characters.

12. -l got three words: anger management.

13. Three words. First word. Stomp.

14. That's a triple letter, 12, 14 and that's A-W-E.

译文:这是一个三字母,12,14 ... ...... 这是一个。

15. This is, uh, trigraphs and tetragraphs and ABBA class.




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