得月用英语怎么说 得月的英语翻译


得月用英语怎么说 得月的英语翻译


3. Even if they settle... you would have to do time for about 5 months.

4. i worked with that woman so 金月凤long bit tired audience grass is always greener, you know Well

译文:我跟金月凤那女人合作这么久 有点腻了 观众是喜新厌旧的你知道嘛。

5. it's been only a month, and you have progressed.

6. So, you'll have to be prepared to cash flow the first six months.

7. Yeah. When's that gonna be?

8. Before that, i used to sing at Moon-Lit Chamber.

9. Seems like it's gonna take a month before you'll recovered.

10. Moon-Lit Chamber was such a luxurious and decadent

11. November, December, January, February.

12. This month seemed as long as a life.

13. How glamorous it was at Moon-Lit Chamber.

14. What, like three to four months?

15. i've been wearing them for months.





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