户口簿用英语怎么说 户口簿的英语翻译

户口簿的英语是"residence booklet",还网络中常译为"  residence booklet",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到57个与户口簿相关的短语翻译和用法。

户口簿用英语怎么说 户口簿的英语翻译

户口簿的英语是"residence booklet",还网络中常译为"  residence booklet",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到57个与户口簿相关的短语翻译和用法。

户口簿翻译为   household registration booklet。

示例:i got your number from, you know, there's a booklet. there's a booklet.

Copy of Registered Permanent Residence Copy of Household register ( 户口簿复印件 )

harp of the census list ( 竖琴户口簿 )

ID card and Household register ( 身份证及户口簿 )

1. ♪ Move, move ♪ it's time to rock, rock ♪

2. Your bank accounts, your medical reports. - What am i forgetting?

3. Contact his banks and flag his known accounts.

4. - in Hardin's offs accounts.

5. What about the bank accounts?

6. They used banks to wire money.

7. Remember we're looking for civvies in here.

8. You can move me if you want to...

9. ♪ it's time to rock the house ♪ ♪ Move...

10. Not inside. Chozen teaches in there.

11. is it-? is it moving? Are these things moving?

12. it's turning into a grilling.

13. Might wanna make your way down.

14. Forty thousand. Shall we start with forty?

15. What's the account number?


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