包藏用英语怎么说 包藏的英语翻译


包藏用英语怎么说 包藏的英语翻译


Sinister design entertain rebellious schemes in mind Ospitare cattive intenzioni Nascondere un inte( 包藏祸心 )

occlusional coprecipita-tion ( 包藏共沉淀 )

occlusion or inclusion ( 吸留或包藏 )

i carry it in my heart ( 用我的心将它妥善包藏 )

Hide Wrap-To Object To Object ( 隐藏包裹物体 )

1. But it turned out that they were filled... with rich, sinful...

2. You hid the wallet in the car so you could avoid coming out here.

3. The gateway's contained behind three magnetic fields.

4. That's why he tried to get rid of his just as i've hidden mine.

译文:这也是为什么他要毁掉这个包 就像我把我的包藏起来一样。

5. Western's stuff, conceal with evil intentions

6. Love appeals to the lowest instincts, wrapped up in lies.

7. The heart is encased in bone.

8. Wh-why are you wanting to hide your wallet from us? i don't.

9. Did anyone have a childhood grudge against you?

10. But when the scandal eventually broke, she made sure that Vickers noted that the madness was not from her side of the family.


11. They could have told us all this was gonna be wrapped up.

12. Theses are works of villains who are spreading fallacies to cheat people.

13. Now it's hidden where you'll never find it.

14. O serpent heart, hid with a flowering face!

15. Apathy is the glove into which evil slips its hand.


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