智商用英语怎么说 智商的英语翻译

智商的英语翻译是"  IQ",其次还可以说成"intelligence quotient -",在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到66个与智商相关的短语释义和例句。

智商用英语怎么说 智商的英语翻译

智商的英语翻译是"  IQ",其次还可以说成"intelligence quotient -",在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到66个与智商相关的短语释义和例句。

智商翻译为 57 And only SIVD could influence MMSE scores and the short form IQ scores.。

FIQ full intelligence quotient Full Scale IQ ( 总智商 )

IQ Test intelligence test mensa Intellingence Quotient Test ( 智商测试 )

EQ-Emotional Quotient EQ Emotional Intelligence Quotient Emotional intelligence ( 情感智商 )

PIQ performance intelligence quotient Performance IQ ( 操作智商 )

ratio IQ ratio intelligence quotient RIQ ( 比率智商 )

1. Cheats, liars, zero moral fibre, low iQ..

2. Uh, was that a rhetorical question?

3. Not a surgeon.

4. How to deal with an iQ of 66.

5. L-O-M-B-A-R-D. "Lots Of Money But A Real Dullard."

6. Brother, my brain is raisin-size. Small but sweet

7. Your son of Li Jiajun iQ 192

8. Let's just talk about full-scale i.Q.

9. So you're a 140 i.Q. journalist. - Where's your typewriter?

10. - Are you a ed person?

11. He's got an iQ off the register.

12. First smart thing you said.

13. A male, college graduate, iQ 130 plus

14. - What's the iQ of a fish?

15. it is perfectly safe for you to marry.




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