团花杜鹃用英语怎么说 团花杜鹃英语翻译

团花杜鹃用英语说"azalea",其次还可以说成"Rhododendron hypenanthum",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到76个与团花杜鹃相关的短语翻译和用法。

团花杜鹃用英语怎么说 团花杜鹃英语翻译

团花杜鹃用英语说"azalea",其次还可以说成"Rhododendron hypenanthum",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到76个与团花杜鹃相关的短语翻译和用法。

1. Your azaleas are breathtaking. Thank you.

2. The hillsides in June flame with azaleas.

3. The mountainside is ablaze with azalea, wistaria, and many other beautiful flowers.

6. Put it by the rhododendron.

7. Major Diseases and insects Damaged to Rhododendron simsii and Their Control

8. [ Sighs ] Uh-huh. [ Paul ] Do i see you again?

9. We've got to expand the Munks' fan base.

10. The Gaoligong Mountains are rich in endemic species of Ericaceae.

11. The azaleas really are lovely.

12. Azaleas that look much like a group of erflies fluttering in the air and dancing.


14. They found Little Azaleas?

15. Crowning the canopy, rhododendrons, up to 30 metres high.




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