鹿包用英语怎么说 鹿包的英语翻译


鹿包用英语怎么说 鹿包的英语翻译


2. And i looked at Carl looking at that deer, and that deer looking right back at Carl.

3. The buck deer is jumpin' the does.

4. When a mountain lion kills an elk it's the elk's time to go.

5. "Shanghai buns, Canton buns, Yilin buns.."

6. During the quake all Eld's deer and tufted deer immediately ran out of the barns and appeared agitated.


7. Boudreaux, Boudreaux, Boudreaux.

8. Bag, bag, bag, bag, bag, bag.

9. deer crossing, train tracks, single lane ahead.

10. - i ain't petting no fawns.

11. We want to buy Leather S, Deer, Deer Crust, Nappa , S.

12. Reindeer eat moss. We eat reindeer.

13. - You hit a deer or something?

14. Why don't we go mingle, honey?

15. Deer had stripped the tree of its bark.




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