长州藩用英语怎么说 长州藩的英语翻译

长州藩的英语是"state attorney general",还经常被译作suphan dagi,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到57个与长州藩相关的短语释义和例句。

长州藩用英语怎么说 长州藩的英语翻译

长州藩的英语是"state attorney general",还经常被译作suphan dagi,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到57个与长州藩相关的短语释义和例句。

3. Asano Tai no Kami, ruler of Ako.

4. - We are going to the King.

5. Your clan orders you to kill Yogo.

6. i heard about an incident last year between the Akashi and Owari clans.

7. it belonged to Oishi, My Lord.

8. "Wanted. Princess Yuki of Akizuki."

9. That is Genba Hattori, Master of Foot.

10. The other clans deserted us.

11. You know what state's famous for longhorns.

12. i'll see they are looked after.

13. i am under orders from the clan to...

14. in the violent period of Baatsu, many samurai ran the risk of treason to quit feudatory.


15. The Choshu clan may have been beaten once, but they'll be back with Satsuma.


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