偃仰用英语怎么说 偃仰的英语翻译

偃仰的英语为"overhead position welding",还网络中常译为"inverted welding",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到55个与偃仰相关的翻译和例句。

偃仰用英语怎么说 偃仰的英语翻译

偃仰的英语为"overhead position welding",还网络中常译为"inverted welding",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到55个与偃仰相关的翻译和例句。

3. - Shady, we just adored your act!

4. Last time we sat on the same table

5. Once i inject this to them, even they lose the rope,

6. Since we met again, we've been traveling together.

7. You'd be looking up into the mountains.

8. They wanted me to focus on the reclining seats.

9. The great Sore Throat has spoken?

10. Studies on screening identification indexes of salt tolerance and comprehensive evaluation at seedling stage of Elytrigia

11. Yeah, right here. Lady was on her back, screaming.

12. Yes, Jane is admired wherever she goes.

13. Why would he go to Perpignan?

14. it's not just love. it's pride, self-love. i resigned myself to it.

15. We introduced the genome of Thinopyrum into common wheat, and formed the new intermediate type of octoploid Trititrigia.





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