桂皮酸用英语怎么说 桂皮酸的英语翻译

桂皮酸用英语说"ethoxycinnamic acid",还可以翻译为styrazin,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到36个与桂皮酸相关的译文和例句。

桂皮酸用英语怎么说 桂皮酸的英语翻译

桂皮酸用英语说"ethoxycinnamic acid",还可以翻译为styrazin,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到36个与桂皮酸相关的译文和例句。

5. methoxycinnamic acid(甲氧桂皮酸)

1. Objective: To compare the diversity of contents of Cinnamic acid in Rhizoma Typhonii before and after being processed.

2. Structural Characteristics of Lithium Niobate and Lithium Tantalate Crystals

3. Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone; free acid; TRH; free acid.

4. Analysis of Cinnamic Acid in Storax and its Original Plant by HPLC

8. Free organic acid: Vanillic Acid, Cinnamic acid and ferulic acid.

9. if i had a horse, i would name her Cinnamon.

10. ...of hot chocolate, cinnamon, fresh cherries and a dozen other mouthwatering taste treats.

译文:有热巧克力,桂皮,鲜樱桃, 还有很多其它让人流口水的美味点心。

11. i don't know, acid, urine.

12. ingredients: allantoin, vegetal bacteriolytic -enzyme, glycolic acid, citric acid.

13. - Give me two cherry cinnamon.

14. Study on the infrared and Fluorescence Spectra of Complexes of Eu-La-Benzamide-Cinnamic Acid


15. Results: There were great difference of the contents of Cinnamic acid in various batch. The contents degraded after had been processed.


求职名片用英语怎么说 求职名片英语翻译
乃文用英语怎么说 乃文的英语翻译


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