梦到蜜蜂用英语怎么说 梦到蜜蜂英语翻译

梦到蜜蜂用英语翻译为"apian",还经常被译作running late,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到92个与梦到蜜蜂相关的短语翻译和用法。

梦到蜜蜂用英语怎么说 梦到蜜蜂英语翻译

梦到蜜蜂用英语翻译为"apian",还经常被译作running late,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到92个与梦到蜜蜂相关的短语翻译和用法。

2. Twigson had a dream about it.

3. So, what did you dream about?

4. - it was like walking around naked.

5. i was dreaming about this woman.

6. i was dreaming about the tower.

7. i was told it in a dream. There.

8. i dream about other things.

9. Free the bees. Free the bees. Free the bees.

10. -He's still sleeping? Yeah, he went to sleep at dawn.

11. type genus of the Apidae: honeybees.

12. For every person who dreams up the electric light bulb there's the one who dreams up the atom bomb.

13. Most nights i dreamt of him.

14. i shall announce it to the school before summer vacation. - No. Won't be the first time women have had to marry for money.

15. The bee is made up, it's fiction.


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