猎艳用英语怎么说 猎艳的英语翻译


猎艳用英语怎么说 猎艳的英语翻译


1. Why would i wanna go out and try to pull randoms?

2. - Yo, the Don mad anxious tonight. - Fuck you!

3. i'd say he's a stowaway, slipped into first class, looking for a little amorous adventure.

译文:我想这个人是个偷渡客, 混迹头等舱 猎艳,他的眼中有美国。

4. Anyway, you know me, gotta roam gotta bird-dog, gotta cross females and fences and if you'd all just come with me, you'd see.

译文:你了解我的,浪迹天涯 ・・四处游走,猎艳,偷腥 ・・如果你们跟我一起走就会明白。

5. i'm a purveyor of beauty and discretion-- both equally important.

6. You just like to hunt fox. You like the chase.

7. Come on, it's only fair, after all the time you've ogled us.

8. - We're not on a trim hunt.

9. Does Barbara know about these deep-sea expeditions of yours?

10. Let's go to the coffee shop first, then get some sneepur.

11. i didn't know you were cruising for men in trains.




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