白色染用英语怎么说 白色染英语翻译

白色污染的英语为"plastic pollution",还网络中常译为"white pollution -",在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到90个与白色污染相关的释义和例句。

白色污染用英语怎么说 白色污染英语翻译

白色染的英语为"plastic pollution",还网络中常译为"white pollution -",在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到90个与白色染相关的释义和例句。

whellote pollution ( 白的颜色染 )

1. The treatment temperature is so high as easy to result in white spots and effusion of alkali vapor.


2. it's not right. it's contaminated.

3. - No, i told you eggshell. - Eggshells are white.

4. This is a material you all know is Styrofoam, but i like to think of it as toxic white stuff.

译文:你们都知道有一种叫做泡沫塑料的材料, 我认为这种一种白色染。

5. This is a material you all know is Styrofoam, but i like to think of it as toxic white stuff.

译文:你们都知道有一种叫做泡沫塑料的材料, 我认为这种一种白色染。

6. Turn off the white car. Turn off the white car.

8. Think about our carbon footprint.

9. Zero contamination level. i understand, sir. Zero contamination level.

10. GDP counts everything from air pollution to the destruction of our redwoods.

11. "Toxic milk was contaminated.

12. Takeing about pollution, we once only meant air pollution.

13. ... andthey'repollutingthe atmosphere.




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