光标键用英语怎么说 光标键的英语翻译

光标键的英语是"  pijltoets",其次还可以说成"cursor key",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到30个与光标键相关的释义和例句。

光标键用英语怎么说 光标键的英语翻译

光标键的英语是"  pijltoets",其次还可以说成"cursor key",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到30个与光标键相关的释义和例句。

cursor movement keys cursor moving key ( 光标移动键 )

CASE keyuparrow ( 按光标上键左移焦点 )

CASE keyleftarrow ( 按光标左键左移焦点 )

1. it's ninety-seven. You're missing a key.

2. Uparrow is the picture of an upward pointing arrow.

3. Here we go. i think i hold control, shift and D.

译文:这么着 我想我同时按住 Ctrl键 Shift键 还有D键。

4. A coordinate covalent bond is one where both bonding electrons are from one of the atoms involved in the bond.

5. i'm jumping from site to site,country to country and each time i get a cursor

6. Who turned on the spin cycle? !

7. i wanted to save it, but my cursor had frozen.

8. Notice how the editor automatically indents the cursor.

9. You need to press the star key

10. You pushed a on and...

11. Automatic identification of Tautomeric, Alternating and Aromatic Bonds in Chemical Structures

12. - Dimple, no dimples, sunshine standard.

13. it exceeds the LEED standard for daylighting in schools.

14. in addition, the Backspace or Delete keys will reverse the default.


15. SFML - Creating a cursor and printing input?




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