节字用英语怎么说 节字的英语翻译


节字用英语怎么说 节字的英语翻译


multibyte character MBCS ( 多字节字符 )

1. A: Local indexes do not store the 2-byte partition identifier in the rowid of each key record.


2. However, the most usual unit to represent the density of each memory chip is the megabit, not the megabyte .


3. The four arms of the spider, known AS trunnions, are ASsembled into bearings in the ends of the two shaft yokes.


4. AES cipher locks, 2048 bit R.S.A.

5. CHANGE the data type of the TiMECHANGED column to NVarChar with a length of 20.


6. You can put "ty" in front of any job position, and it becomes a costume.

7. What do you get when you put the two together in Chinese?

8. it's, sort of, like if you ask people, Well, what is a megabyte or megabit? And what is broadband?

译文:这就像,比如说,你问人们 兆字节是什么?宽带是什么。

9. About 300 megabytes' worth.

10. -Hold on! Preci... preci...

11. Each iFD entry consists of 12 bytes.

12. Only 1024 bytes will be read since that is the limit of the ByteBuffer used.


13. it's capable of storing... - 700 kilobytes of data.

14. Dewey, you got 29, ten more makes thirty nine...

15. We take in terabytes of data a day.


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