每日一语用英语怎么说 每日一语英语翻译

每日一语通常被翻译为"  One Sentence A Day"的意思,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到87个与每日一语相关的释义和例句。

每日一语用英语怎么说 每日一语英语翻译

每日一语通常被翻译为"  One Sentence A Day"的意思,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到87个与每日一语相关的释义和例句。

1. What else can make you feel so much without a word?

2. Wow, they really get to the heart of it, don't they?

3. Wisdom from the one person in this family... who has not elected to serve his country.

4. So keep your answers short, To the point, unemotional.

5. Well, there's nothing wrong with this guy.

译文:- 一语中的! - Nailed it! - Yeah.。

6. Gave away everything we had.

7. Dude, the worst-case scenario has become reality.

8. Cascade? Looks like the word's out.

9. A play on the two meanings of "cobbler."

10. -You can't send one feeler to me?

11. That's fabulous, doctor. What a terrific diagnosis.

12. That i will talk to him and he won't say anything.

13. i think you've nailed our vulnerability.

14. i counted to 20 and decided to remain mute.





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