独特的微信名字用英语怎么说 独特的微信名字英语翻译


独特的微信名字用英语怎么说 独特的微信名字英语翻译


2. So my name's christopher shin.

3. i got message from my email, and your photo is all over Weibo with all reports saying that you are Driller's son-in-law.

译文:我收了电邮、微信都有你的照片 全都说你是电钻哥的女婿。

4. We may still have mail. -Mail, mail, mail. Mail.

5. As soon as the Z Hedge Fund is listed, the account number and password will be sent to you via WeChat.

译文:只要Z基金一上市 户口号码还有它的密码 会马上发微信给你。

6. Don't check Wechat when you get up.

译文:Can I check my e -mail real quick? 我能看下我微信么。

10. May i pay the bill through WeChat?

11. An anonymous letter giving the inspector the name of the man he's looking for.

12. A method of coating a microneedle array comprising: providing a microneedle array having a substrate and a plurality of microneedles;


13. i was having a chat in a WeChat chatroom with my friends.

14. it even has its own name, with Weibo.

15. i suggest you write me to a P. O. Box, to my first name.


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