中消用英语怎么说 中消的英语翻译

中消的英语是"extinction of arc",其次还可以说成"disappearing image",在《中小学生词典》中,共找到60个与中消相关的释义和例句。

中消用英语怎么说 中消的英语翻译

中消的英语是"extinction of arc",其次还可以说成"disappearing image",在《中小学生词典》中,共找到60个与中消相关的释义和例句。

2. Please! Come on. Rehearsal's over.

3. Scattering and absorption both cause extinction of light; but in a negligibly absorbing medium, extinction would be primarily by tering.


4. in double layer jackets, the inner layer is manufactured from achromatic SPVC.

5. As long as it takes, karev.

6. The bleaching action of fluorides is slow in the alizarin dye procedure.

7. Do not let me leave like a hot potato.

8. i mean, he ain't ever gonna get the stink out of this van.

9. Analysis of Principle on Joint Energy Dissipation of Stilling Basin and Dentoid Baffle

10. Application of Smoke Opacimeter in the Measurement of Diesel Engine Smoke Emissions

11. For kicks, come from below.

12. i'm calling to tell you i finished fumigating.

13. - Great! - i was a volunteer EMT!

14. The swelling doesn't last for long.

15. The bleaching action of fluorides is slow in the alizarin dye procedure.




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