军门用英语怎么说 军门的英语翻译

军门的英语为"firearm bolt",还可以翻译为gun turrets,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到51个与军门相关的释义和例句。

军门用英语怎么说 军门的英语翻译

军门的英语为"firearm bolt",还可以翻译为gun turrets,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到51个与军门相关的释义和例句。

3. Cubs, our great adventure starts tomorrow.

4. Zhang Liang hurried to the gate of the camp to see Fan Kuai, who asked, “How are things now?”

8. There are trapdoors, sliding doors, double doors, stage doors, prison doors, glass doors.

9. it's a military note issued by the Japanese during WWii.

10. The door-- l broke the seal.

11. A field army was composed of armies, an army of corps (originally called columns), a corps of divisions, and a division of regiments.


12. One of Aigo's cannons in the business world will be its intellectual property, says Mr Feng.

13. Poor souls. First the Reds, then the Whites.

14. He's really going to do it!

15. Lock the door, lock the door.





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