蜈蚣用英语怎么说 蜈蚣的英语翻译

蜈蚣的英语是"  [无脊椎] [中医] Centipede",还经常被译作  Scolopendra,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到62个与蜈蚣相关的短语翻译和用法。

蜈蚣用英语怎么说 蜈蚣的英语翻译

蜈蚣的英语是"  [无脊椎] [中医] Centipede",还经常被译作  Scolopendra,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到62个与蜈蚣相关的短语翻译和用法。

centipede yarn Feather Yarns ( 蜈蚣纱 )

Kyllinga melanosperma K. melanosperma ( 黑籽水蜈蚣 )

1. - Poison? - The spiders are off the hook, - it's the centipede that's the killer.

2. He often devours some insects, such as roaches, centipedes, earthworms.

3. What's she gonna be a s salesman at a centipede farm?

4. Goodness, a centipede this big

5. O'Neill, get me that centipede.

6. i didn't even get to be a part of the Human effing Centipede.

8. i tried everything, medicine made from centipede.

9. - What happened to Centipede?

10. Oh, Centipede. i do not know whether to kill you or kiss you.

11. Once upon a time, the centipede, and is a good friend. Cock head red crown, and the centipede does not.


12. - There are huge centipedes! - Rats in the drawers!

13. How many legs does a centipede have?

14. There's a real human centipede situation happening in the men's room.

15. Earwig lives in your house too.


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