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全家福用英语翻译为"  Stewed Assorted Delicacies",还网络中常译为"stewed assorted meat",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到21个与全家福相关的短语翻译和用法。

全家福用英语怎么说 全家福的英语翻译

全家福用英语翻译为"  Stewed Assorted Delicacies",还网络中常译为"stewed assorted meat",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到21个与全家福相关的短语翻译和用法。

1.   Stewed Assorted Delicacies

全家福翻译为   Stewed Assorted Delicacies。

Thanks for your family photo. Here is my family photo.

a photo of my family One of my family One of my family portrait ( 一张我的全家福 )

your family photo a photo of your family the photo of your family ( 你的全家福 )

A Photo of My Family ( 我的全家福照片 )

family family-system Family portrait series ( 全家福套系 )

Pregnant women photo FAMILY ( 全家福作品 )

1. i thought we'd get our picture taken at the mall.

2. Look at this, huh? Another family drawing.

3. This is a family photo taken 2 days ago.

4. "Five Champions! Five Champions! Two Together!"

5. Come on, leave it for now. Let's take a family shot.

6. Family shot. That's fantastic.

7. "Two Together! All Fortunes! All Fortunes!"

8. Fill this out ...this family portrait...

9. Come on, it's a family photo. it'll be nice.

10. Did you do another drawing of our family?

11. "All Fortunes. Two Together!"

12. What a delightful family pose.

13. - Give me a bucket, family size.

14. Let's play the happy family

15. We can have a family portrait.





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