月建用英语怎么说 月建的英语翻译


月建用英语怎么说 月建的英语翻译


jun port island building ( 六月岛港口建设 )

Recommended monthly meeting together for ( 建议月会在一起开 )

target lesion revaseularization TLR ( 个月靶病变重建率 )

Reconstruction Opportunity Zone ( 月重建机会专区 )

NASA Lunar Science Institute ( 建立月球科学研究所 )

1. Hell, you gonna do it, do it right.

2. Gentlemen, it's only September. Too soon for winter camp.

3. Wow... look at that building.

4. Let him build what he likes.

5. You want to set up a factory?

6. August? i'm supposed to go home before August.

7. i worked with that woman so 金月凤long bit tired audience grass is always greener, you know Well

译文:我跟金月凤那女人合作这么久 有点腻了 观众是喜新厌旧的你知道嘛。

8. Pan Jianwei, who launched the first quantum satellite in August last year.

9. She sought medical care in neighbouring Viet Nam on 27 January and died in Kien Giang Provincial hospital in Viet Nam on 30 January.


10. it's zoned, it's permitted. You could build it out however you like.

11. Taking part in forming the free trade unions... and organizing celebrations to honor the victims of December, '70.

译文:参加自由工会的组建... 组织70年12月牺牲者的纪念.。

12. We built it with our own hands!

13. Alter table tablename alter column columnname set default defaultvalue;

14. City hall is where the town was founded.

15. Nourishment in our stomachs and she trying to build a shelter.




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