理解生活用英语怎么说 理解生活英语翻译


理解生活用英语怎么说 理解生活英语翻译


3. i can't understand anything. My life's all mixed up.

4. What i wanted from life... wasn't there.

5. Kei has a mysterious life-force.

6. When you're talking about the digital divide, people have stigmas, people have fears; people don't understand how it can complement their lives.

7. i know what it's like to have your entire life change out from under you.

8. "i don't understand the meaning of life. "

9. it gives us a deeper sense of what it actually takes for us to thrive in this life.

10. Yeah, i understand, things are tough, man.

11. if you lived with Sophie, you'd understand. i miss our army days.

12. You live a life i don't think i'll ever really understand.

13. - i want to simplify my life.

14. But i don't know how you can live like this.

15. They were heavy-duty South Bay money... and led lives of unusually high density and often incoherence.




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