排水孔用英语怎么说 排水孔的英语翻译

排水孔的英语是"drain hole",还网络中常译为"  scupper",在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到55个与排水孔相关的释义和例句。

排水孔用英语怎么说 排水孔的英语翻译

排水孔的英语是"drain hole",还网络中常译为"  scupper",在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到55个与排水孔相关的释义和例句。

storm scupper freeing scuttle ( 风浪排水孔 )

scupper shutter drain hole cap ( 排水孔盖 )

1. A dolphin breathes air through a hole called a blowhole. This blowhole is on the top of its head.


2. Osculum is in the ground, it is next catchment;

3. Hey, we got to drain those organs! Hold it in!

4. He could see down the plughole, so the sun must have shone.

5. Do not cover the stranded whale's blowhole!

6. - it's the drains. Definitely. - it is not the drains, Sue.

7. if there's a region of low pressure in the atmosphere, air is pushed toward it, like water going down a drain.

译文:如果在大气层中有一片低压区域, 空气就会被推动到那里, 就像水流进排水孔一样。

8. The mattress is equipped with an osculum (4) running from top to bottom and a defecation hole (6) positioned on the hip of the patient.



10. i can't clear out that drain. There's too much suction.

11. i used that red toothbrush to unclog the drain.

12. Begin emergency LCL draining! At once!

13. Now the focus is on draining the water.

14. They had pumps to keep the water out of the foundations.

15. it leads to these huge gutters.




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