采集用英语怎么说 采集的英语翻译

采集的英语翻译是"collect",还经常被译作  [科技] acquisition,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到38个与采集相关的释义和例句。

采集用英语怎么说 采集的英语翻译

采集的英语翻译是"collect",还经常被译作  [科技] acquisition,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到38个与采集相关的释义和例句。

hunter-gatherer Hunting Gathering ( 狩猎采集 )

information acquisition information gathering Incremental Web Crawling ( 信息采集 图情 )

Image Capture image acquisition image collection IMAQ ( 图像采集 )

SCADA Supervisory control and data acquisition ( 监控与数据采集 )

1. i mean, it looks like i.D.E.N.T. has what they need.

2. it's a blood-farming facility.

3. And there's no recoverable prints.

4. Take a sample of her blood...

5. There's no evidence of gathering behavior by females.

6. i better get my sample while i can.

7. Uh, it's used to collect biological samples.

8. What's the eta on the capture?

9. - Perhaps you want to see some samples?

10. Grabbing samples and... moving on.

11. So i've got to get some rock samples.

12. There's no evidence of gathering behavior by females.

13. is the chipmunks out collecting pine nuts.

14. Collecting of infrared facular image

15. There are great effect collecting times to the wild Osmia.





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