右手边用英语怎么说 右手边的英语翻译

右手边的英语翻译是"right hand side",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到54个与右手边相关的短语释义和例句。

右手边用英语怎么说 右手边的英语翻译

右手边的英语翻译是"right hand side",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到54个与右手边相关的短语释义和例句。

In your right hand side ( 在你右手边 )

Right-hand side of happiness ( 右手边的幸福 )

Go down right elevator Go straight right elevator ( 直走右手边电梯 )

Lift your right hand side ( 电梯在您右手边 )

1. And on your right, Hong Kong island.

2. You're gonna proceed out the east exit. That's to your right as you come into the store.

3. Up the stairs, down the hall, to your right.

4. Right down here on the right side.

5. Right down the end of the hall, on your right.

6. Shake hands with the person on your right.

7. Second floor, building on the right.

8. it's upstairs on the right.

12. To my right side, above the cafe.

13. There's a bird on your right

14. is it the right side or the left side?

15. - Double doors on the right. - Call air support. i'll be right up.




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