伛偻提携用英语怎么说 伛偻提携英语翻译


伛偻提携用英语怎么说 伛偻提携英语翻译


2. Patronage comes with unfortunate attachment.

3. Kato prefers to promote young ones to the upper echelon.

4. Reuben thought me to shoot s here when i was a kid.

5. Why was she protecting and promoting me?

6. And you know, G.P.'s known for picking up musicians to play in NY, regardless of their nationalities.

7. it is i who promoted you...

8. i come to thank you for adopting me as your protege.

9. Now, goodbye. - Goodbye Flora

10. is the driver YuLou a stack of sound, the sound of acknowledgment los had rushed into the sea with the book or it.


11. Nothing kills everyone's optimism and desire to help quicker thana negative or arrogant attitude.


12. He is being taught by my disciple Hung Yat Sun

13. Not if you're promoting one over the other.

14. Glaber's patronage, access to the upper strata of Capua, the promise of political office.

15. How soon he forgets the one that helped him most!




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