多义字用英语怎么说 多义字的英语翻译


多义字用英语怎么说 多义字的英语翻译


2. Translation of Polysemant in English for Electric Power industry

3. if you say the word, it's not there anymore:

4. How to Define and Translate the Meaning of Polysemant in English-Chinese translation

5. There's your problem, mate. it's your basic linguistic coincidence.

6. What about the numberless words with different meanings?

7. And if i've been neglecting you, it won't happen again.

8. not word for word, but more or less.

9. Answer: Understanding the multivocal word in Chinese mainly depends on the context. What is more, to keeping more words in your mind.


10. - Many angry posters came to your defense. - Good.

11. Every linguistic category is a polysemous category, or it is one that contains several potential senses.


12. and it says "supilami" end.

13. Question: How to understand the multivocal word in Chinese?

14. Polysemy is prevalent in language.

15. "Polysemia" is a common phenomenon in Chinese.





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