高复班用英语怎么说 高复班的英语翻译

高复班用英语说"Banff",还网络中常译为"Gordon Bennett",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到52个与高复班相关的翻译和例句。

高复班用英语怎么说 高复班的英语翻译

高复班用英语说"Banff",还网络中常译为"Gordon Bennett",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到52个与高复班相关的翻译和例句。

2. Bennett Marco. Cheques from First National Bank.

3. i'm not looking to get in a fight with the guy, okay?

4. double vision, visual hallucinations...

5. i didn't get it at first either. The older boys explained it to me.

6. This is Wei Wei from Coopers Lybrand. is that Nick?

7. - Some Reglan, you get some Reglan?

译文:- 胃复安,有胃复安吗? (注: Reglan, 胃复安片)。

8. KiNDERGARTEN Liu Siya little sun

9. Sonny Ghorbani was a suspect in that case.

10. Bennett Marco. Cheks from First National Bank.

11. Major Bennett Marco claims that this man... brainwashed you.

12. And the QSRR models have high relative coefficients, good stability and good predictability.

13. Every guy! Most of the senior class and half the faculty.

14. "and who is able to stand?"

15. We'll take the first speed train.


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