感慨良深用英语怎么说 感慨良深英语翻译

感慨良深通常被翻译为"feeling something"的意思,还网络中常译为"feltry",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到86个与感慨良深相关的翻译和例句。

感慨良深用英语怎么说 感慨良深英语翻译

感慨良深通常被翻译为"feeling something"的意思,还网络中常译为"feltry",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到86个与感慨良深相关的翻译和例句。

3. i am very sad, for i have lots of regrets ... for not fulfilling my duties as a father

4. Dragon years are full of change.

5. More so melancholy especially around midnight

6. "Hastily" and Qiushi feeling of life where the number of inadvertent.

7. i feel a whole lot of things right now.

8. Completely without "ling CenSong rk peak, remote giuliano all JiJue" regrets.

9. Seeing how much Bai Ling had changed i was suddenly overcome by a feeling of grief

10. Jason read a New Yorker article about the execution of Cameron Todd Willingham, and it moved him.

译文:Jason读了篇纽约客的文章 有关Cameron Todd Willingham的处决 让他感慨颇多。

11. i'm overwhelmed by your support.

12. With a 5 million pound price tag, i can't help feeling Liverpool have had their monies worth.


13. When i witness others' wealth, i would sigh for my poorness;

14. Are you flirting with death?

15. So if you're ever feeling, uh, bullied or intimidated...


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