调下用英语怎么说 调下的英语翻译

调下的英语为"  Down",在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到25个与调下相关的翻译和例句。

调下用英语怎么说 调下的英语翻译

调下的英语为"  Down",在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到25个与调下相关的翻译和例句。

monotonically decreasing function ( 单调下降函数 )

Downtilt Setting Accuracy ( 电调下倾角度精确度 )

monotonically decreasing ( 幅度响应单调下降 )

He hid in the air-conditioning ( 他躲在空调下 )

Working in air conditioning In the air-conditioned work under Climbing stairs ( 在空调下工作 )

Adjustable angle range ( 可调下倾角度 )

1. So, before the audience come, we have to do a sound check.

2. We gotta lace it with somethin' sweeter.

3. internal polling shows a three-point p from last night's speech.

译文:奈森波崔利 曼哈顿城中区 昨晚演说后 民调下降三个百分点。

4. And not in a train accident, mind you, but falling off some silly observation oar.

5. But i want to highlight the Clause 6 of this agreement.

8. But he's gonna tone it down or i'll fire him.

9. All right, let me tweak the contrast here.

10. So in the spirit of full disclosure, i brought some pictures to share.

11. i kissed up to senior officers and had it easy.

12. Given the tone of the coverage, you'd think that we had decided to shut down the LHC and go home.

译文:在这样的基调下, 你肯定会觉得我们已经决定 中断LHC试验,各回各家。

13. The following are aspects that Pattabhi Jois emphasizes as the main components of Ashtanga Yoga.


14. We've almost got rid of it completely in Estonia, in an effort coordinated by the government that has also digitized itself.

译文:在一个已数字化的协调下, 爱沙尼亚已经几乎完全脱离了它。

15. They had been sold at American insistence.




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