问诊用英语怎么说 问诊的英语翻译

问诊的英语是"interrogation one of the four methods of diagnosis",其次还可以说成"diagnose through interrogation",在《中小学生词典》中,共找到76个与问诊相关的翻译和例句。

问诊用英语怎么说 问诊的英语翻译

问诊的英语是"interrogation one of the four methods of diagnosis",其次还可以说成"diagnose through interrogation",在《中小学生词典》中,共找到76个与问诊相关的翻译和例句。

2. diagnose through interrogation

问诊翻译为diagnose through interrogation。

And after? Doctors visits, surgery, chemo, hair loss, pain.

5. And there are free clinics if insurance is a problem.

6. OK. Step one: therapy. Right?

7. p interrogation, medical and cardiogram, preliminary decide for coronary heart disease, angina.


8. Pavano on hold: Carl Pavano's ongoing tour of medical offices has apparently come to an end at four, with Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim team physician Lewis Yocum contributing the final word.


12. Series launched with a lot of publicity but that never find a large audience, such as “in Treatment” or “Treme”, a show about New Orleans, are kept alive for longer than you would expect.

译文:那些播出时伴随着大量宣传攻势却并未获得大量观众的电视剧,比如《扪心问诊》(“In Treatment”)和有关新奥尔良的《劫后余生》(“Treme”)都比人们预想的要长寿。

15. Doctors and nurses can get better at asking about the context of patients' lives, not simply because it's better bedside manner, but frankly, because it's a better standard of care.

译文:医护人员通过询问患者的生活情况, 可以更好地为他们服务, 不仅仅因为更好的问诊态度, 坦率地说, 还因为这代表着更高水准的医疗方式。




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