角差用英语怎么说 角差的英语翻译

角差的英语为"parallactic inequality",还经常被译作moon's parallactic inequality,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到97个与角差相关的翻译和例句。

角差用英语怎么说 角差的英语翻译

角差的英语为"parallactic inequality",还经常被译作moon's parallactic inequality,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到97个与角差相关的翻译和例句。

示例:Moon, Moon, please don't go. Moon, Moon, 不要走

2. parallactic inequality(月角差)

3. geometrical decalage(几何翼差角)

4. hour angle difference(子午圈角差)

5. meridian anlge difference(子午圈角差)

1. No small parts, only small actors.

2. it hasn't got a horn. A horn.

3. Cultivars of japonica rice(Oryza sativa) with small panicle angle have high yield and poor quality.

4. To make it worse i'm older than you are.

5. Your name is Chai-Chai-Poi.

6. ? Rich is rich and poor is poor ?

7. The ship just split in two.

8. Measuring and appreciating for the magnetic differences and the azimuth between frusta in Seismic Standard Station of Chengdu

9. There's a difference in time.

10. Go to the neutral corner. Neutral corner.

11. When you die, nothing matters!

12. Acid in the bilge. See how many cells have cracked.

13. Angle "C" and angle are complementary-

14. Yeah, in the bow compartment.

15. - in a way... - Well, tell me your problem.


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