头型设计用英语怎么说 头型设计英语翻译

头型设计的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为head type,还经常被译作dolichocephaly,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到43个与头型设计相关的译文和例句。

头型设计用英语怎么说 头型设计英语翻译

头型设计的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为head type,还经常被译作dolichocephaly,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到43个与头型设计相关的译文和例句。

2. What you're looking at is a 5.45 by 18 FMJ spitzer bullet.

3. The packaging design, PostersDesign, Pictorial stylebook design, Terminal materiel design, Webdesign Exclusive agency display space design


4. i could do everyone's hair and makeup on tour. What do you think?

5. Poor thing, it seems he has too much hair...

6. The part of the nose critical in controlling body temperature is smaller in the pug than in the normocephalic German Shepherd.


7. Advertising Services, Commercial printing, design, design House, Gift box design, Giftbox design, Graphic design, Leaflet design, catalogue design, brochure design, printing flyer.


8. Name two head styles of machine screws that are countersunk.

9. Ha ha ha, found a carrier pigeon very pretty, like nose a bit like the first type dove.

10. (Laughter) The worst haircut, i think.

11. Michael,i see you're embracing the whole "rebel without a cause" motif, right down to the hairstyle.

译文:Michael 你完全就是电影阿飞正传的原型 连头型儿都一样。

12. Well, you got the head shape for it.

13. After, there is the narcissistic design: it's a fantastic designer who designs only for other fantastic designers.

译文:后来,出现了“自恋设计”: 奇妙设计师设计给其他奇妙设计师。

14. We're told what to wear -- -- and how to do our hair -- -- and how to behave.

译文:(笑声) 我们被教导该怎样穿衣打扮? (笑声) 怎样做头型? (笑声) 怎样做个女孩。

15. (Laughter) We're told what to wear -- (Laughter) -- and how to do our hair -- (Laughter) -- and how to behave.




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