狰狞面目用英语怎么说 狰狞面目英语翻译

狰狞面目的英语是"  Ugly face",还网络中常译为"  Ferocious features",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到44个与狰狞面目相关的译文和例句。

狰狞面目用英语怎么说 狰狞面目英语翻译

狰狞面目的英语是"  Ugly face",还网络中常译为"  Ferocious features",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到44个与狰狞面目相关的译文和例句。

2. And there are like 10 hideous monsters behind him,

3. The valley was filled with ancient Predacon bones.

4. Grim-visaged war has smoothed his wrinkled front And now, instead of mounting barbed steeds To fright the souls of fearful adversaries He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber To the lascivious pleasing of a lute!

译文:横眉的战神也收起了狰狞面目 不再跨上战马 去威吓胆怯的敌人。

5. Hmm, maybe a little less face scrunching.

6. i'll have the vegetable plate as usual.

7. There's a feller over here on your left looking mean, standing tall in the sun,

8. i've got a dream) i'm malicious mean and scary.

9. it's very evil. it's scary to look at. it's...

10. i saw a great beast, dreadful and terrible and unimaginably strong.

11. - Not to mention those Predacons.

12. Eyes wild, horse snorting'.

13. His face scarred with one dead eye.

14. Witches' mummy maw and gulf.

15. The irony is, uh, terrifying.


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