闲置用英语怎么说 闲置的英语翻译

闲置的英语是"leave unused",还经常被译作in idle,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到70个与闲置相关的翻译和例句。

闲置用英语怎么说 闲置的英语翻译

闲置的英语是"leave unused",还经常被译作in idle,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到70个与闲置相关的翻译和例句。

idle plant unused equipments ( 闲置设备 )

free time Slack Time standby unattached time ( 闲置时间 )

unutilized capacity west bank unutilized capacity ( 生产能力闲置 )

idle capacity spare production capacity ( 闲置生产能力 )

Idle on the shelf fallow vacant ( 闲置的 )

1. it's okay on frapped-out agricultural land.

2. So although it is true Brazil has a lot of spare farmland, it did not just have it hanging around, waiting to be ploughed.


3. All those hours when a car is sitting idle, i'm not paying for it.

4. " Morning says to idle on. "

5. Citywide, there are about 100,000 vacant parcels.

6. "Redeveloping the empty floor of the Corviale building...

7. in '97, stood empty till '99.

8. Here is just a few months idle

9. And so we never had any money.

10. Stop with the practical jokes!

11. And channel all useless power.

12. it's okay on frapped-out agricultural land.

13. Can you bear not to be here all year to see it?

14. Unemployed people quit idleness to benefit the community.

15. But none of them are used anymore.





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