银符用英语怎么说 银符的英语翻译

银符的英语是"silver",其次还可以说成"first symbol",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到36个与银符相关的翻译和例句。

银符用英语怎么说 银符的英语翻译

银符的英语是"silver",其次还可以说成"first symbol",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到36个与银符相关的翻译和例句。

2. He lined the heads with silver.

3. Arctic silver metallic,zinc chromium primer.

4. FOOGLiES: We're trapped! Floop is a madman!

5. Yes, sir, Silver City it is.

6. Hey, Eunsuh! No... Journalist JANG Eunsuh!

7. Dad, it's the same for Silver.

8. Carmen ! She's working for Floop!

9. Silver charms, especially crescents , will bring you luck if you were born on a Monday.


10. The state of silver in silver-rich residue from leaching of lead anodic slime with acid is AgCl.

11. Silver dispersion of galaxies longitude - 0 degrees, galactic latitude - 0 degrees

12. Bad, there are spells everywhere

13. A letter demanding for life.

14. The default field delimiter is the TAB character.

15. For the carriage return and linefeed character combination.


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