喷霜用英语怎么说 喷霜的英语翻译

喷霜用英语翻译为"  frost jet",还经常被译作crocking,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到92个与喷霜相关的释义和例句。

喷霜用英语怎么说 喷霜的英语翻译

喷霜用英语翻译为"  frost jet",还经常被译作crocking,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到92个与喷霜相关的释义和例句。

Aromatic Plant Day Cream ( 喷鼻植物日霜 )

Guilin watermelon frost ( 桂林西瓜霜 )

4. The influence of anti-scorching agent CTP on blooming from bead chafer of PCR tire was experimentally investigated.


5. - Put on your sunblock, baby.

6. i forgot the waterproof makeup.

7. He huffed und he puffed und he...

8. Try a little spray of Love Potion Number Nine

9. Here's some ... anybody want cream?

10. Damn. You decide. You decide right there.

11. Just paint it. Don't waste your time

12. Just put it out in the universe.

13. The windows had frosted over.

14. Take him to have the test.

15. We slept a little, woke up, and put on some oil.





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