地主之谊用英语怎么说 地主之谊英语翻译

地主之谊用英语翻译为"the friendship or hospitality of a host",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到85个与地主之谊相关的短语翻译和用法。

地主之谊用英语怎么说 地主之谊英语翻译

地主之谊用英语翻译为"the friendship or hospitality of a host",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到85个与地主之谊相关的短语翻译和用法。

1. the friendship or hospitality of a host

地主之谊翻译为the friendship or hospitality of a host。

After the meeting I had to properly welcome the director at night and play a good host.

Host we treat don't deny ( 为尽地主之谊 )

I can do the honours ( 我能尽地主之谊 )

1. Yeah, but these boys just got out of the joint... so we got to show a little hospitality.

译文:是的,但这些家伙刚从出来... 我们要尽点地主之宜。

2. How remiss of me not to offer you any hospitality.

3. Best thing they've done for us since we've been here.

4. Let's call them The Warner Sisters.

5. Your cousin has come halfway around the world. Let's show him some hospitality.

6. - And who's the old landlord?

7. "Yes, we landlords eat fish..."

8. What a big or small landlord, i do not recognize him

9. i did my duty as a host, that is all.

10. Only farmers and bandidos.

11. So you know about Landlord Club.

12. Squires, peasants, peasants, squires!

13. Compared to Prussian junkers or the landed ility in czarist Russia the Chinese landlord was a very backward man.


14. You and him are from the same town

15. You will get no comradeship and no encouragement.


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