琉用英语怎么说 琉的英语翻译


琉用英语怎么说 琉的英语翻译


glazed tile encaustic tile vitreous tile ( 琉璃瓦 建 )

Yukiru Sugisaki Sugisaki Yukiru ( 杉崎由绮琉 )

1. Deunan, you were in the war yesterday, right?

2. "civilians may go to Japan". Those were the conditions.

3. Yeah, i will, and you're gonna be here to listen to it. You're not going to Palau, Sean.

4. You finally realized it was him, Deunan.

5. Bad guys that wanted to take away your future.

6. So i get the job to protect Deunan.

7. And i'll go back to tiny Palau.

8. Deunan, protect the "Apple Seed".

9. Deunan, Gaea's spirit is no longer here.

10. This is the fate of humanity, Deunan!

11. Until we divided his empire in four parts.

12. and keep the lost memories lost.

13. You and Briareos were lovers, right?

14. Catch Deunan by all means!

15. Deunan we are out of time.




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