得时用英语怎么说 得时的英语翻译

得时通常被翻译为"  be in luck"的意思,还经常被译作be in luck,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到97个与得时相关的短语翻译和用法。

得时用英语怎么说 得时的英语翻译

得时通常被翻译为"  be in luck"的意思,还经常被译作be in luck,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到97个与得时相关的短语翻译和用法。

Londax bensulfuron-methy ( 农得时 )

buy time gain time earned time off ( 赢得时间 )

getTime TDateTime Time Awarded ( 获得时间 )

1. Buy us some time to get Jimmy out of there.

2. i remember back in the day when we did some real dancing.

3. We also discovered that efficiency doesn't matter so much if your energy source is free.

4. But if you want to live a memorable life, you have to be the kind of person who remembers to remember.

5. i think he appreciates the situation.

6. i always think it's amazing how time works like that.

7. They tell me i need Round-the-clock minding

8. Don't you think it's about time?

9. Be careful how you write it.

10. He died in his sleep, without suffering.

11. i didn't realize the time.

12. But i feel like time is clicking, you know.

13. is to find Qi an opportunity

14. Well, fashion's not that way.

15. You hung in there. it took a lot of .




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